Transforming Cybersecurity with Unparalleled Internet Data Intelligence

At Deepinfo, we handle a tremendous amount of internet data every day to enhance global security. Founded by a team of highly skilled professionals with advanced degrees in cybersecurity and big data, we are dedicated to making the digital world safer for organizations of all sizes. 

We possess the most comprehensive internet-wide data, which we've been leveraging for years to empower the cybersecurity efforts of over 10,000 organizations worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies. Backed by renowned industry professionals from Europe and the US, Deepinfo stands at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation.

I'm proud of Deepinfo Team for gathering the most comprehensive data and using it to empower all sizes of organizations' cybersecurity.
Macit Tuna
CEO & Founder
After 20 years of helping thousands of organizations secure their web applications, I can confidently say that what we do at Deepinfo is a real game-changer.
Ferruh Mavituna
Board Member, Strategic Advisor

Deepinfo by Numbers

Our data and solutions are trusted by over 10,000 organizations globally to protect their digital assets.
3 Days
We perform comprehensive scans of the entire web every three days to maintain up-to-date security intelligence.
100 TB
We process and analyze over 100 terabytes of security data every day to stay ahead of emerging threats.